This month has been a wild one. I've had good and bad things happen. I have a new love in my life. My granddaughter, Jullian. She's two weeks old and like most newborns, a complete diva. She wants what she wants when she wants it, and I can't resist her. Neither can her other grandparents, her parents, aunts and uncles.
I've received three rejections on my manuscript and I'm still alive. I didn't break down into a sobbing puddle or throw my lap top out of the window, vowing to never write again. Instead I thought, Wow, they actually responded. I had to ask my critique partners if my reaction was normal. I didn't want the depression I just knew was coming to catch me off guard. I ignored the fact that they were form letters.
Yesterday, I participated in a three mile run-walk with my son. He finished in twenty minutes. I finished in an hour, but the point is I finished. Yeah me! Today, my legs are killing me, but I went to the day job and did what I had to do.
So now I have a screaming baby in the house, a host of people dropping by to see her, submissions, rejections, and new challenges. This is my life. It's become complete and utter chaos. I have no idea what's gong to happen next. And I wouldn't change a thing.
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