Do you remember the romance novels from the 80's? The heroines were virgins (depending on which line you were reading) and the heroes were experienced, brooding millionaires. When I got older I quickly got bored with the virgins and started reading about more experienced heroines. That's when I found out that apparently, I wasn't having great sex. When the h/h finally hit the sheets, it was, for lack of a better term, unbelievable. They were "riding on the crest of the wave" or "doing a dance as old as time itself," and my favorite, "felt like a volcano ready to erupt." One of the heroines actually passed out. Really?
Fast forward to the romance novels of today. My fave has become paranormals. Heroes and heroines are vampires,werewolves, sorcerers. There's some seriously twisted stuff in some of them, and I love it. It's different, exciting, abnormal. Even the unbelievably erotic sex is well done.
I don't mean to suggest that contemporary romance isn't just as good. I still read it and enjoy it, if the story is strong. But it has to have a twist. There has to be something there that makes me keep turning the pages. Throw a crazy villain in there and I'm hooked.
What keeps you turning the pages?
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Hi Shawn!! I need a few twists and turns, too, whether from a diabolical villian or few well-written secondary characters with wrenches to throw in the works! And I'm so glad the love scenes have to use real language and not 'throbbing members'! :)
Hi, Shawn!
I like virgins, if they're the hero! Ha!
I am taking a beating for having an unconvential couple (Claire and Kelly), but I love them, and I'm going to finish that damn book if it kills me.
I think there's room for all of us in this genre. No matter what we like!
I couldn't agree more with you both. And D'Ann, don't listen to the nay-sayers about your unconventional couple. It's what can make a story unique. I love the story of Claire and Kelly. The twisted villian also makes it a page turner. You want to see him get his in the end.
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